In today’s society time is money, although it’s not a new concept it’s certainly truer now than ever. When it comes to certain things in life we will spend as much money as needed to get a [...]
We recognize that the Internet and cloud services are convoluted, and there are tons of additional support functions that you are still trying to grasp. Not only you’ve to manage cloud hosting, [...]
We’re in 2019 and simply breathing digital! As a result, cyber crimes are on the rise and loss of sensitive client data is vastly dreaded by business owners. The methods used by hackers are more [...]
It’s not only inventory planners who seek out ways to optimize inventory management – everyone from CEOs and CFOs, procurement and supply chain management specialists, shop-floor employees and [...]
The idea of an audit – any audit – often makes businesses uncomfortable. And IT security audits are no exception. Having outsiders come in looking for discrepancies and oversights can make those [...]
Running a law firm takes a lot of effort. Lawyers have enough to deal with without the additional pressure of keeping their systems up to date and their data secure. Some of the key challenges [...]
In larger organizations, CFOs and procurement offices are becoming increasingly involved in corporate IT outsourcing decisions. However, with a focus on cost containment and a preconception that [...]
At Discovernet, we’ve long been proponents of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Or in this case, all your bytes in one location. While we’ve previously stressed the need to back up your [...]
Does your business have cybersecurity measures in place? If so, when were they deployed, and how long has it been since they (the measures, not your antivirus software) have been updated? Have [...]
Many workplaces have expanded their mobile phone offerings to include options for their employees – whether it be Android, iOS, or other. They recognize that some employees are more comfortable [...]