IT Solutions for Manufacturing

Manufacturers fuel economies and turn cutting edge concepts into tangible products. And throughout history, they have experienced seismic shifts in the way they do business.

At the forefront of these revolutions was technology – and today’s manufacturers must manage a balance of human labour, automation, and increasing the demands for connectivity and data reporting. 

The Discovernet Difference 

Discovernet designs IT support solutions that seamlessly meld with your manufacturing business to detect, isolate, solve and prevent both common and unconventional challenges faced in product production. These include: 

  • Compliance reporting, quality managementand audit preparation 
  • Reducing costs and improving supply chain visibility 
  • Struggling with the limitations of existing IT systems 
  • The usability and connectivity of vital systems
  • Help with implementation and management of industry-leading software such as NetSuite Manufacturing, SAP ERP, Fishbowl Manufacturing etc.  

Discovernet aims to provide Managed IT Services for manufacturing companies struggling with outdated systems that are preventing future development, investment and growth. Our team is here to help develop, build and implement IT systems that provide you with the valuable data needed to inform critical business decisions.

Our Approach to Manufacturing IT

Our Managed IT Solutions are designed to be cost-effective and quickly implemented. We can enable your organization to 

  • Deliver information to all relevant parties in real-time to enable effective decision-making 
  • Improve tracking through the entire manufacturing process 
  • Adopt streamlined production scheduling and distribution coordination 
  • Achieve easier communication and coordination methods

Discover the IT support solutions and get help to find the right manufacturing software like Hubstaff, NetSuite ManufacturingSAP ERP, Global Shop Solutions, E2 Shop System, etc. to create enhanced operational efficiencies for your manufacturing business today.

Discovernet provides Managed IT Services for businesses in the Greater Toronto Area, including Mississauga, Hamilton, Brampton, Brantford, Oakville, and Burlington.

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